Ah Elena… petunia that is. May your heart feel the fullness of your own presence as you wander around his room, pretending to clean… sending big hugs.

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each day it becomes a bit more normal to be finished-ish with that phase. thank you, Kelly, for being here.

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Aug 20Liked by Elena Brower

Alicia is one of those rare people who is truly a Light-filled Magical creature (most likely an Angel) ❤️. I’m so grateful for this podcast episode.


As for Jonah - I promise every day gets a little bit easier. I feel so validated knowing even my Mentor had a hard time with this mental event! Xoxox

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Indeed, and indeed. Thank you Robyne, so much.

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Aug 20Liked by Elena Brower

Thank you, Elena. Tenderness. Strong back, soft front.

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Yes, Natalia. Beacons, those words.

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"Linger in the sensation of finishing and starting again." That's where all the good stuff is. Also really appreciate Alicia's wisdom and words. She is right on about why we meditate daily.

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Wisdom from a wise heart... yes... thank you Amy. x

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Aug 20Liked by Elena Brower

Thank you Elena. 🙏🏼

All my LOVE


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thank YOU, Claudia.

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What a beautiful offering this week, Elena. I loved your questions for Alicia and her responses, which touched me deeply. Thank you for bringing her to us; will also save the podcast to listen to later. And how happy I am you shared your letter of love after the beautiful but bittersweet time of your son leaving home and making peace with what comes next--for him and for you. What is shifting perspective for me right now is the travel I am gloriously able to do, here in Europe and finding balance and peace and the opportunity to center even when I am on the move (especially when I am on the move). It is wonderful in so many ways to be traveling for two months, the dearest ones in all my life are here in Europe, including my daughters. But I am also feeling scattered and overwhelmed by all of the possibilities--the things to do and people to see and hug and connect with right now--and the big changes on the horizon for me (including a move to Barcelona in February). I know I need to find more pockets of time for meditation, for centering, for deep breathing and doing nothing at all. Your offering today and Alicia's words have inspired me to do so. Thank you.

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excellent. even one minute listening on a bench will change you cellularly... with love, Amy...

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Tenderness. Presence. Practice. …and your feelings after The Drop Off. Thank you for this share that reached in and touched a deep and often neglected part of my heart today, Elena.

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The Drop Off! Ha! Thank you, C. Love to you guys. x

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The beauty of both of your voices put into words. So moving, intentional, and loving. It is truely what I needed to read this morning.

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Thank you for being here, D. Honored to serve you.

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Sep 1Liked by Elena Brower

I've been listening to your podcasts all day today whilst cleaning - tears roll down at how touched I am by each and every podcast but this one in particular touched my heart so xx TY for your softening - it Inspires me so.....

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heartening to hear this, Nina. thank you kindly for letting me know the work is of use to you and your heart... with love

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Peace peace ☮️

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to you, dear P. x

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